Close Range Remote Sensing
RLF Consulting utilizes close range LIDAR and photogrammetric methodology to produce highly accurate 3D models to produce topographic mapping. We have constantly produced geo-referenced orthorectified aerial images with a GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) of <0.50 inch. Additionally, we can incorporate the use of a 3D point cloud of the subject terrain and all feature objects with an overall precision of +/-3-5mm per pixel. This allows us to map as precisely as the project requires in all three planes from one data source.
Through this method of data collection, we have been able to greatly reduce collection and processing times of traditional survey data by 25%-75% with hyper-accurate results.

Field surveyors typically implement safety control by barricading traffic areas. The safety of our field team members has been increased by reducing exposure to active lanes of traffic. Our surveyors do not need to be physically near roadways while collecting survey points, thus mitigating exposure to roadways and other field hazards that a traditional field survey would require.